How to Prepare for a Massage

Do you remember your first massage? Was it a good or bad experience? My first massage was over 10 years ago and to be honest it was a little awkward for me at first. But the therapist quickly put me at ease and made me feel comfortable. My goal is to make each massage therapy experience comfortable and relaxing for all of my clients. Maybe you haven’t experienced massage therapy yet and aren’t sure what to expect or what to do.  I am here to help you and answer any questions about massage that you may have. It is important that you be comfortable and relaxed so that you can reap the full benefits that massage therapy has to offer.

Each massage therapist is different and massage therapy sessions will vary from person to person depending on their body’s needs each time. I found the following info-graphic via and I wanted to share it and hope you will find it helpful in acquainting yourself with massage therapy, what to expect and how to prepare for a professional massage treatment.

More Helpful Info
You can also view my post with images of my massage therapy treatment room so you can know what to expect there. You can read my FAQ and Answers page that address the “do I have to be naked” and other questions. Not familiar with the health benefits of massage? Find that information here! Want to know what people are saying about my massage services? Read here! Interested in my services and pricing yet? …Here it is! When you are ready to schedule your appointment give me a call or send me a message. Your health is worth the investment and you deserve the relaxing experience of massage therapy.

How to Prepare for a Massage:

how to prepare for massage

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